Remember the Blankets

Remember the Blankets
(18" x 24" Unframed Fine Art Giclee Print on White Archival Paper) - can be printed in any size
Copyrights: 1-6484785979/1-6484785822
The Artist's Perspective:
This artwork is intended to encourage viewers to think about the world in a whole new way. There are moments in history where subject matters are represented to the general public as something that is beneficial, but when looked at more closely it is clear that these subject matters are actually harmful. Think about all of the things that you know today that are bad for you, but were previously represented as something by the powers that be of the day that would be good for you. Now, extend that premise into the future. There will be things either in the present or future that are represented as something that is good for you, but it will no doubt really be bad for you. The intention of this artwork is to cause you to think outside of the box by encouraging you to think for yourself. There are lots of things for viewers to discuss.
Those people who control the past control the future, but those who control the present control the past. For those who control the past, the past can be sanitized to appear differently from actual occurring events, which only serves to prevent any real lessons from being learned from the past. History frequently repeats itself. Consequently, the deeper back into the real past that somebody can look, the further into the future that somebody can see and the more valuable the learned lessons.
With these concepts in mind, there will no doubt be many more new inventions in the distant future that will be cleverly disguised similarly to a Trojan Horse, and represented as something that is beneficial for society, but we should all take a much closer look at what actually lies beneath the exterior, and make certain to take great care to reflect upon what happened to the Native Americans and "Remember the Blankets!!!"