The Artist's Biography
Let me tell you a little about my professional career to provide my background. My regular daily career is as a Functional Analyst/Technical Consultant for a global consulting company that contracts with global and medium-size corporations to implement online travel and expense management systems. These site implementations are for employees to create expense reports, most of which involve corporate card data transactions requiring data feed configurations. I have skills in accounting, computer programming, financial data analytics, and web/database development, and I leverage all of these skills on these projects during the day. I have also worked as an assistant technical writer.
It is my contention that there are many people who can develop artwork, and such work should not be limited to only professional artists with Art Degrees. I believe that anybody can have insights and can be creative. In fact, part of the reason why I developed this artwork is because my creative product ideas in the corporate world were not properly recognized by the managers at a former corporate employer. These product ideas would definitely have generated millions of dollars for the company. The issue was exacerbated by one manager, who tried to take credit for my ideas for himself. As a result, I channeled all my creativity into these works of art.
New works of great art should be recognized, rather than just honoring great works of art produced by the Old World Art Masters from hundreds of years ago. If only works of art from these great Old World Masters were respected, with collectors preserving them repeatedly throughout time until all that remains of them is a pile of dust, then no new modern ideas would ever be acknowledged in the world.
I plan to continue developing my artwork ideas with the same level of quality, and I would like to be eventually recognized as one of the "New World Art Masters". All of my artworks will be officially copyright protected by the US Congress Copyright Office. I have not yet sold my first artwork in any forum, so I am reaching out now to honorable, international art dealers because now is the ideal time to form a contract. Note that all artworks are protected by copyright law.
Works of art generally increase in value and retain their value based upon who owned them last, a concept known as "provenance". With a mutually beneficial partnership, we can provide this artwork into the collections of the best people. Let us recognize and enjoy new works of art, as well as the existing historical works of art, especially given the great deal of time and effort that was taken to develop these new highly-detailed works or art.
Mark A. Nelson
There are many more artworks that are part of a series that I will be developing over the years. The level of detail will be the best possible. In fact, the quality may even increase over time
I am seeking to become a "Living Master Artist" at the Art Renewal Center, which requires a minimum of 15 works of art, and it will be evaluated by a wide cross section from the art community.